5 Tips For Cleaning Glass Without Streaks

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by Kyle Ray

A Professional Window Cleaners’ Top 5 Tips For Cleaning Glass Without Streaks

If you just had the exterior of your windows professionally cleaned and you’re wanting to take care of the interior yourself or the kids and fur-babies are leaving smudges on your newly cleaned glass and you want to DIY some touch-ups. Here are 5 quick tips to help you get through the cleaning glass job quickly and efficiently.

Cleaning Glass


1. Throw away your Windex….

Thats right, throw it away, or better yet, let’s recycle that bottle! Pour out the existing solution and then fill it with water and a little bit of dish soap. Dish soap is a great substitute for what we use, its specifically formulated to cut through grease and oil, aka kids oily hands, aka dogs nose smudges 😉 Plus, you can easily just refill the sprayer whenever you run out. Just be careful not to use too much dish soap, otherwise you’ll have extra soapy windows to clean up which can cause more of a mess, trust us.

2. Napkins, newspaper or microfiber towels?

Well, really you can use any of those but the one we would recommend is the microfiber towel. Honestly the best thing to use is surgical rags, it’s what we use but you won’t find those at a local store, however, you can get them on Amazon HERE. Regardless of what you decide to use you’ll want several of them. One to actually “clean” the glass and the other to “buff” out those streaks. If you only use one rag, the first window may turn out ok but then you’ll end up just moving dirt around the glass and not actually getting it off. Once the cleaning one gets too dirty, start using your buffing rag as the cleaning rag and get a new buffing rag. Rinse and repeat!

3. If you’re planning on tackling the exterior of the glass get a good squeegee and a heavy duty sponge.

We’ve tested the “spray on and rinse” products and they don’t really work unless your glass is already pretty clean. It will still end up leaving spots because the water coming out of your water hose has quite a bit of minerals in it, the cause of those pesky spots.

Cleaning Glass

4. Clean in the morning or evening, or whenever the glass is not in direct sunlight.

Trying to clean glass with towels while the glass is in direct sunlight or has been heated up from the sun is next to impossible to get all the streaks out without using a professional squeegee and applicator. Our suggestion is to clean the windows not in direct sunlight and get to the other ones once the sun has moved past them and they have had time to cool down.

5. If you really want to get all your windows inside and out clean and spotless without having to really do all the much.

Give us a call and we’ll bring all of our specialized equipment, experience and manpower to get them sparkling in no time. So you can spend time doing what you really want to instead of cleaning 😉


5 Tips For Cleaning Glass Without Streaks | Geek Window Cleaning