Always Clean Program

Keep your house clean year-round

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Clean Windows Year-Round

What is the Always Clean Program?
Our Alway Clean Program (ACP) is great for maintaining spotless windows year-round. Windows typically start to show signs of dirt and dust on the exterior within 3-4 months after a cleaning, depends on several factors (weather, your lawn care company, dogs, children, etc).


The Always Clean Program ensures your windows are receiving the attention the deserve. Plus, the program boasts a 40% discount off your regular one-time cleaning!


Get started by contacting us and letting us know you want to enroll in the Always Clean Program.

Having your windows professionally cleaned on a regular basis has several benefits:

  1. Prevents scratching from outdoor elements.
  2. Prevents hard water & calcium build-up, which can result in you needing a window replacement or glass restoration treatment.
  3. Reduce energy usage; dirty windows can actually draw in heat and not let your windows function properly. Clean windows will reflect the heat as well as UV rays that cause damage to expensive rugs, drapery & furniture.
  4. Saves you time and money! Sign up for the Always Clean Program and you never have to worry about your windows getting dirty again!

Why use the Always Clean Program?

Listen to what our actual ACP members think of the program!

How the process works:


Get a quote

Simply call or contact us to get a free quote. It’s quick and easy.


Sign up

Pick which services you want and we’ll work with you to create a schedule that works for you.


Consistent cleanings

On a consistent schedule, we’ll come out and take care of your windows and more.


Enjoy your view

Sit back and enjoy the view of your windows and exterior.


After an initial cleaning from us, your windows will take anywhere from 4 – 6 months to get visibly dirty again.

Instead of having to contact us every time you want a cleaning, we’ll set up a cleaning schedule that ensures your property is clean year round. 


Our Always Celan Program starts at $25 per month (prices vary based on a variety of factors).

In addition, the program gives you incredible discounts when compared to scheduling one-off cleanings. In fact, it discounts your one time exterior cleaning by 40%. So, it’s like getting 4 cleanings a year for the price of only 2!


We’re not a fan of contracts that lock you in and force you to pay when you no longer want the service.

That is why there are no service contracts with the Always Clean Program.  Simply cancel or pause your service at any time with no penalties!

Thumbs Up Hand - Geek Window Cleaning